Reserve Your Puppy

Welcome to the Brooke's Doodles Puppy Family!

Placing A Deposit

On this page you can place a reservation deposit for your future puppy. The reservation amount for a puppy is $500.00, which is a sign of your commitment to providing a puppy with a loving family and home! This amount goes toward your total puppy price.

Have you sent your puppy application?

Please reach out to us to start the puppy adoption process!

Your application is the first step toward getting a puppy. If you haven’t sent one yet, please click below to get in touch with Jana or Brooke.

Refund Policy

This deposit is non-refundable, but IS transferable between coming litters. If I have not provided you a puppy within 1 year, or 2 litters, due to litters not being successful or being unable to release your puppy, the deposit will be returned. Please read our full policy here.

Deposit Confirmation

Once your deposit is sent, I will email you an Official Deposit Receipt specifying your litter of choice and its due date, your place on my reservation list, final balance due, and more.

Thank you so much, we love our Pilot!

Brooke did an awesome job loving our little guy until we were able to take him home! We were kept in-the-know in the weeks before we picked him up and were grateful for the updates on him and the rest of the puppies. Additionally, Brooke went out of her way to make picking up our puppy as easy as possible. Thank you so much, we love our Pilot!

Kayla Devine